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Davis Forged Knives History

Thank you for visiting my Website. My name is Larry Davis. My home and workshop are located in Northern Indiana, where I create Custom Hand Made Davis Forged Knives. Every phase in the making of knives and custom sheaths is completed by me, in my shop.


My interest in forging began when I was in the 7th grade during a metals shop class to make a cold chisel. I was fascinated by the gas forge and just how hot a piece of metal could become. The shaping of steel, hammering it in its molten condition – was fascinating to me. We made other projects one most memorable was the aluminum letter opener that became a gift for my mother. A gift she would use for the next 57 years of her life. 


The seed that was planted 48 years ago in Metal’s class was always burning slowly in the background as I pursued a professional career in the hydraulic industry. I eventually became the majority owner and president of Daman Products, but the passion for bladesmithing skills persisted.


"I advance my knowledge and skills every chance I get by consulting with other bladesmiths. I value their advice, knowledge and skill."


The passion for blacksmithing burned slowly well into my 40’s, and without the internet would probably still be a distant dream as I roll into my 60’s. Soon after the internet became available at our office, one of the first subjects I searched was “blacksmithing.” To my surprise, the top return was the Indiana Blacksmith’s Association, a loosely organized group of satellite clubs that met regionally the third Saturday of every month. For the whopping fee of $10, I had a life-time membership to the IBA. Novices and experienced smittys were welcome. There was always a beginner level project for the inept, and access to equipment and experience for the more accomplished.


Through this group, I learned about IBANA, an international blacksmithing art organization, and subscribed to their two magazines. Magazines filled with the creative work of professional smittys from around the world. I soon found a source for forge coal (not available everywhere!) and for a total investment of $25, build myself a working coal forge. The most expensive parts being the 2-1/2” pipe fittings used under the forge as a clean-out and blower access, and the hair dryer I bought at Goodwill that served as my blower.


A few years later, in search of resources and knowledge on the subject of quality knife building, I attended the Atlanta Blade Show, the largest knife show in the world. And there, again through happenstance, I was introduced to Ed Fowler, one of the premier blade smiths in the country. Ed is a fascinating mentor. A bit of an outlier and rogue, and certainly a man that challenges conventional wisdom, and as a result has developed techniques that have advanced the craft of blade quality. I was fortunate enough to spend 7 straight days, 12-14 hours per day learning from Ed. It was a life changer for me and advanced my knowledge of the bladesmithing craft in a quantum leap. Those seven days unlocked the secrets that had alluded me in my quest to understand what a quality knife blade was. At the heart of Ed’s process is developing a system of methods that accentuate the qualities of a beautiful knife steel – 52000, also known as ball bearing steel.


Today, knife making is more than a hobby to me. It is a passion that I feel fortunate to be able pursue. My knives are a reflection of my dedication to quality. It’s how I’ve lived my life both personally and professionally. The idea of taking a piece of steel and transforming it into a handmade premium quality knife, anyone would be proud to own, is especially rewarding. I hope you will browse my website and contact me with any questions or comments regarding my craft.


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